直接输入: https://fxtrade.oanda.com/your_account/fxtrade/open_account.shtml
个 人 账 户 企业公司帐户 (选择其中一种符合自己的账户类型 点击进入OANDA开户信息填写页面)
直接输入: https://fxtrade.oanda.com/your_account/fxtrade/open_account.shtml
个 人 账 户 企业公司帐户 (选择其中一种符合自己的账户类型 点击进入OANDA开户信息填写页面)
1。填写完成并点击 提交之后,OANDA会请你确认你输入的内容。看过没有错误之后,
3。Legal Agreements这时看到一些法律文书,都点击 确认后,进入下一步。
4。 如下图(开户注册工作就完成了),接着去邮箱里收邮件.
邮件标题是:FXTrade: Your account is ready for activation
Dear iboyi.cn Thank you for registering with the OANDA FXTrade Platform.
Your connection identifiers are:username: username 平台登录用户名
password: 301435 平台登录密码Your FXTrade Account number is 30152. 你的帐户号码
You have successfully completed Step 1 of the account opening process.
Before sending ANY funds for your FXTrade account,
please complete the following steps:
Step 2. Activate your Account(第二步激活帐户)
This is a simple procedure and is only done by the account holder.
All you need to do is click on the URL below,
or cut and paste it into the location bar of your Web browser.https://fx1.oanda.com/cgi-bin/v1.0/newreg/activate.pl?activate=ec0e4877ed46035012d89649835
06e18&sessi on_id=da9e59a153bbxa0bdd132093b1104eeedd83191&manager=
Step 3. Confirm Your Identity
The final step involves confirming your identity by sending copies of your documentation to OANDA. This is a legal requirement for opening all trading accounts.
Click the following link to download the Identity Confirmation form:https://fxtrade.oanda.com/fileadmin/docs/id_confirmation.pdf 这是发传真用的文件
如果我们是发邮件来验证身份和地址,就不用管这个了.Print and complete the form, and then return it to OANDA by fax or email, along with copies of two pieces of your identification. The form contains complete instructions and identification requirements.
Send the completed form and copies/scans of your identification to OANDA:
Fax: +1 212 208 4356
Email: [email protected] (将准备好的身份和地址怎么发送至这个邮箱)Change Your Password 修改你的密码
Please change your temporary password as soon as possible. You can do so by clicking either of the following links:
FXTrade: https://www.fxtrade.com/your_account/fxtrade/change_password.shtml
Deposit Funds 存入资金
You can deposit funds to your FXTrade account using wire transfer, checks
(drawn from US banks only), and PayPal (if available to your country).
Please include your account number when depositing funds for your account.
For further information, see: http://fxtrade.oanda.com/fxtrade/funds/fund_deposit.shtml
到这儿,OANDA开户工作就完成了! map - OANDA外汇专题博客